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York Regional Police

Collision Reporting Centre Closing


The Collision Reporting Centre (Richmond Hill) is permanently closing on February 28.


As of March 1, most motor vehicle collisions involving only property damage are to be reported online.

Learn More



York Regional Police is providing six steps homeowners and residents can take to protect their homes from becoming the target of a break and enter.


Learn about how you can deter thieves looking to break in over the holidays.


Learn the six steps

calling all cops!


Are you a police officer looking to make a move to one of the country's leading law enforcement agencies? The time is now.


Join us on February 8 to start the next stage of your career at York Regional Police.


Register now



York Regional Police communicators are the bridge between the public and emergency services.


Learn more about what it takes to be a communicator from two of our members currently in the role.


Learn more

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We are revamping our website and want to hear your feedback.

This is your chance to tell us what you'd like to see on a new and improved website.

Share your thoughts by filling out the survey.

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