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Ongoing Scams

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Stacks of credit and debit cards

Ongoing Scams

There are always new and inventive scams criminals come up with to try to steal your money and identification. Educate yourself so you know what to do if you're approached.

Home Repair/Service Call Fraud 

These types of scams involve the fraudster going door-to-door offering a great deal, on a service such as driveway paving, and pressuring you to make a decision quickly. If the deal seems too good to be true, it probably is.

  • Always ask for and check identification of anyone coming to your door
  • If you are unsure, do not let the person in
  • Call the company to ensure they have representatives in your community
  • Check references
  • Always get a second quote or estimate
  • Be wary of any company asking for money up front
  • Talk to a friend or family member or have them with you when you are arranging services
  • Do not rush your decision. Do your research
  • Never leave anyone alone in your home 
 Financial Fraud

This fraud involves individuals giving out personal, confidential information to an unknown person on the phone or computer. Legitimate financial institutions will never ask you to divulge information in this manner.

  • Remember banks do not cold call or email customers to verify financial information
  • Never give out any banking or financial information over the phone or Internet - especially passwords or PINs (Personal Identification Number)
  • Always ask for receipts
  • Do not open any email or attachments from people or organizations you do not know
  • Ensure your computer has an updated virus-protection program
  • Internet users can check for email scams by going to Snopes or other search engines
  • Be cautious. You have the right to research an investment or buyer by requesting written information, seeking references, asking questions, weighing the answers and taking time to think over the offer
 Telephone Fraud

Everyone has received a call stating you've won a free cruise, the lottery or made a request for a donation. Use extreme caution when answering these calls.

  • Always verify the charity/company is legitimate
  • Often what is initially free, can end up costing you thousands of dollars
  • Never give personal information over the telephone or the Internet
  • Ask the caller if you can call them back so you can research the information they have given you. Don't be surprised if they hang up.
 ATM Fraud

While using an ATM is a quick and convenient way to conduct financial transactions, you need to use caution to ensure your account is secure.

  • Be aware of your surroundings when entering your PIN and do not disclose your PIN to anyone
  • Cover the key pad when you enter your PIN
  • Be mindful of people trying to distract you
  • Immediately report lost or stolen credit/debit cards
  • Check your account statements monthly and report any
  • If you discover anything at a banking machine that looks suspicious (a card skimmer, for example), notify your bank immediately or contact the police for assistance
 Advance Fee Fraud

Everyone can struggle with their finances from time to time; however you need to use caution when transferring money through a third party.

  • A newspaper ad or telephone call about "easy credit" or an "easy loan" is a red flag
  • If you are asked to pay a fee in advance of receiving the funds, it is a scam
  • Never send money in advance
  • It is illegal in Ontario to ask for an advance fee for a loan
  • Don't accept overpayment for goods or services
  • Report it to police and the Ministry of Consumer and Business Services
 Romance Scams

The search for love and companionship can be both exciting and scary. In your quest to meet the right person, scammers will play on your feelings to extort money from you. Be careful when embarking on a new relationship and educate yourself on the techniques scammers use.

  • Both men and women have the potential to become a victim of a romance scam
  • Fraudsters will troll different dating sites, looking for their next victim
  • Online profiles can easily be faked or stolen. Do some research
  • Relationships will progress quickly and terms of endearment will be used to convince you trust them
  • Once trust has been established, the requests for money will start. They may be small at first and then requests for more money will be made
  • In almost every case, the victim will never recover their financial lost and will be required to pay any outstanding debt
Emergency Scams 

Generally targeting grandparents, this scam plays upon emotions to rob them of their money. Typically, a call is made from someone claiming to be their grandchild. They will state they are in trouble and need money immediately. Sometimes a second call will be placed from someone pretending to be a lawyer or police officer. Don't fall prey to this type of scam.

  • Always verify the person's identity.
  • Contact the family member in question. Emotions might be running high but take the time to check.
  • Never send money to someone you don't know
  • Ask questions only family members would know
  • Don't give out any personal or financial information