Emergency? Call 9-1-1
Non-Emergency? Call 1 (866) 876-5423
A record suspension (pardon) is a recognition that a citizen is of good conduct. If you are granted a record suspension, any federal agency that has records of convictions must keep those records separate and apart from other criminal records. The information will be removed from the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) system.
You can apply to the National Parole Board for a record suspension if you have been free of convictions for five years for summary offences, or 10 years for indictable offences. Upon notification by the National Parole Board that a person has been granted a record suspension, York Regional Police will seal the corresponding fingerprints and photos. In addition, the electronic name index referring to the person in the records management system will be flagged to clearly indicate a record suspension has been granted.
Please note: A pardon may be revoked by the National Parole Board. When notified of a revocation, York Regional Police will unseal the fingerprints and photos and flag the revocation in the organization's records management system.
York Regional Police only accepts local police record checks from private companies and lawyers' offices if they include a duly completed letter or consent form signed by the applicant authorizing us to conduct the search and release the results to the company.
York Regional Police
47 Don Hillock Dr.
Aurora, ON L4G 0S7
Questions? Contact us at 1-866-876-5423, ext. 6781 or 7655.
See a complete list of updated fees and charges.