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Report a Crime

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What types of crime can be reported online?

If you've been the victim of a crime, or witnessed a crime in York Region, York Regional Police needs to know about it right away. With your help, we can bring criminals to justice and reduce the impact of crime in our communities. Certain crimes can be reported online, including:

Before you report a crime online

Before choosing to report a crime online, please note that an incident cannot be reported online if:

  • The crime occurred outside of York Region. If the crime occurred outside of York Region, please contact the area's local police service. 
  • Threats or violence occurred.
  • The crime is rooted in hate or bias, or related to domestic violence.
  • You know the suspect, have information related to a vehicle involved in the crime, or evidence is left behind.
  • You wish to remain anonymous or seek confidential informant status.

Before reporting online, please also confirm you have a valid email address and have turned off any pop-up blocking settings, plugins or software.

Filing a false police report is a crime.

A large dent and scratch on a black car

Damage/Mischief to a Vehicle (Not from a Collision)

Has someone damaged, defaced, or vandalized your vehicle? This might include:

  • Denting, scratching or keying the vehicle
  • Throwing eggs or another object at the vehicle
  • Breaking windows or lights
  • Slashing tires, etc.

Report damage/mischief to a vehicle now.

Please note: Damage/mischief to a vehicle can also be reported in Chinese, Farsi, Italian and Russian. Do not file damage caused by a motor vehicle collision online. Read more about reporting a motor vehicle collision. 

A pair of people in black hoodies spray paint a wall

Damage/Mischief to Property

Has someone damaged, defaced, or vandalized public or private property? This might include:

  • Breaking windows or mailboxes
  • Throwing eggs or another object at property
  • Spray painting, writing or drawing on property

Report damage/mischief to property now.

Please note: Damage/mischief to property can also be reported in Chinese, Farsi, Italian and Russian.

A phone screen reads $0Identity Theft/Fraud

Has someone obtained and used your personal information (name, date of birth, Social Insurance Number, etc.) without your permission? Do you still have your debit or credit card, but realize that someone has withdrawn money or used your account?

Report identity theft/fraud now.

Please note: Before you file an identity theft/fraud report:

  • Verify that your documents are still in your possession, and haven't been lost or stolen. If your documents have been lost or stolen, please file a lost property, theft or theft from a vehicle report instead. Do not file an identify theft/fraud report. 
  • Notify any financial institutions and other companies where you have an account that may have been affected

Learn more about different types of fraud and how you can prevent yourself from becoming a victim.

Identity theft/fraud can also be reported in Chinese, Farsi, Italian and Russian.

A person pulls an electronic device out of a duffel bag.Theft

Did someone take property from you without permission?  

Report theft now.

Please note: This link should not be used to report LCBO retail thefts; please see Theft from a Retail Location below.

If the value of the property stolen is greater than $10,000, contact police to file a report. The theft of a motor vehicle cannot be reported online, including:

  • ATVs
  • Boats
  • Cars, trucks, vans
  • Construction equipment
  • Farm equipment
  • Jet-skis
  • Snowmobiles
  • Trailers

Stolen bicycles can be reported online. Theft can also be reported in Chinese, Farsi, Italian and Russian

A brown purse sits on a car seatTheft from a Vehicle

Has something been stolen from your personal or business vehicle?

Report theft from a vehicle now.

Please note: If the value of the property stolen is greater than $10,000, contact police to file a report. If your vehicle was stolen, contact police to file a report. Theft from a vehicle can also be reported in Chinese, Farsi, Italian and Russian

Theft from a Retail Location (LCBO Only)LCBO logo

Has something been stolen from an LCBO retail location at which you are an employee or manager?

Report theft from a retail location now.

Please note: This function is only available to designated employees of the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO) as part of a York Regional Police pilot project beginning Summer 2018. Do not use this report if you are not an LCBO employee. 

Citizens who may have witnessed a retail theft should contact the York Regional Police non-emergency line at 1-866-876-5423.

Anonymity and confidential informant status

If you would like to make an anonymous complaint, contact Crime Stoppers.

If you would like to seek confidential informant status, speak directly with a police officer and immediately inform that officer of your desire to be protected by informant privilege.