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Report a Sexual Assault

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What is a sexual assault?

A sexual assault is any unwanted sexual contact. It might include:

  • Unwanted kissing
  • Unwanted hugging or groping
  • Molestation
  • Attempted rape
  • Rape

Sexual assaults may happen once, more than once, or even over the course of years. 

When should I report a sexual assault online?

If you are the survivor of sexual assault, you can report the incident online if:

  • You are not in danger
  • The person who assaulted you is not present
  • There is no evidence present that may be collected by police (blood, semen, saliva, etc.). Evidence can be collected for up to 12 days after the sexual assault has occurred. 
  • You have access to a private email address, to which the suspect does not have access  

You should not file a sexual assault report online if:

  • You are in danger
  • The sexual assault just happened, or the person who assaulted you is nearby
  • You are less than 16 years old
  • You were also the victim of personal violence, or the person who assaulted you is an intimate partner
  • You are injured or require medical attention
  • You do not have access to a private email address

If any of the above are true, call 9-1-1 in the case of an emergency, contact the non-emergency line at 1-866-876-5423, or attend a policing district to have an officer take your report. Emotional support is also available 24/7 at 1-800-263-6734. 

Filing a false police report is a crime. 

Please disable any pop-up blocking software or plug-in before filing an online report. 

Report a sexual assault now.

Sexual Assault Victim Support 

York Regional Police understands that while sexual assaults often cause long-lasting trauma, survivors may have difficulty speaking about incidents with friends, family members, or police officers.

We want to bring sexual assault cases to a resolution by conducting a professional and thorough investigation, while also providing assistance and the resources necessary to support victims during this period of recovery. Learn more about choices and support available to survivors of sexual assault