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Police Appreciation Night

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YRP Chief Jim MacSween stands at a podium

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Join us on May 8, as we celebrate 30 years of Police Appreciation Night.

Your support makes for a safer and more secure region for the community we serve.

By joining us at Police Appreciation Night and through your generous support, you have played a great part in enabling our beneficiaries, Victim Services of York Region and the York Region Centre for Community Safety, to continue their ever-important work supporting victims of crime.

York Regional Police is always seeking additional sponsors for Police Appreciation Night. 

Tickets and sponsorships

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Celebrating 30 Years of Police Appreciation Night

For 30 years, York Regional Police has been shining a light on the outstanding work conducted each day by our members.

At Police Appreciation Night, awards are handed out to celebrate the incredible achievements of sworn members and our police professionals.

Over three decades, the gala dinner has highlighted members who have lived the YRP values of professionalism, compassion, fairness, courage and respect.  

They have each embodied the service’s motto: Deeds Speak.

During Police Appreciation Night, several awards are handed out to members who have gone above and beyond the call of duty. 

The evening’s awards include: 

 The Herbert H. Carnegie Community Award
This award recognizes a member who has demonstrated a commitment to volunteerism and making a difference in the community.

The Professionalism in Policing Award

This award recognizes a member or a team who demonstrates professionalism in the execution of an investigation, project or in the course of their duties.
 The Constable Garrett Styles Bravery in the Line of Duty Award
This award recognizes a member who has demonstrated courage in the execution of their duties.

The Leo MacArthur Civilian Recognition Award

This award recognizes a police professional who has gone above and beyond the requirements of their normal duties in their commitment to York Regional Police and the community.
The Detective Constable Rob Plunkett Outstanding Service to the Community Award
This award recognizes a member of the service who has demonstrated a commitment to volunteerism and making a difference in the community.

Three decades of Police Appreciation Night

Headshots show the founding members of the Police Appreciation Night committee

This year’s theme for Police Appreciation Night is “Celebrating 30 Years of Partnering with the Community.”

The first Police Appreciation Night was a humble event, proposed by five businessmen to the then-Chief of York Regional Police.

Fewer than 400 guests were in attendance and the program was brief, however, that night, they set the stage for what would become a marquee event for our police service and the greater community.

In the years to follow, Police Appreciation Night has been crucial in building bridges between York Regional Police and communities throughout the region. It has put on display the remarkable work of YRP members.

We owe much to the five men who founded the Police Appreciation Night committee. This year we will celebrate their contributions, and all who have participated since. Thanks to them, we have had the opportunity to share remarkable stories and accomplishments each year and to forge lasting relationships that make York Region stronger.

York Regional Police is grateful for the ongoing support from members of the community, local businesses, members of community organization, the Police Services Board and representatives from local, regional and provincial government.

2025 Police Appreciation Night beneficiaries

York Region Centre for Community Safety

The York Region Centre for Community Safety (YRCCS) is a service delivery hub for survivors of intimate partner violence, family violence or human trafficking.

YRCCS seeks to assist those in need help in finding resources, safety and hope. It offers a one-stop spot for survivors to receive the support they require.

YRCCS offers a number of supports including, crisis intervention such as shelters, prevention supports such as income subsidy supports and education programs.

It also offers special priority housing intervention supports such as Ontario Works or the Ontario Disability Support Program and basic universal human service supports such as education, hospitals, public health and transportation.

Victim Services of York Region

Victim Services of York Region (VSY) is a non-profit, charitable agency that works in partnership with York Regional Police and the Ontario Provincial Police to provide 24-hour emotional support and assistance to people who have been victimized by crime or other tragic circumstances.

VSY provides emotional support, practical assistance, information and referrals to those in need.

The agency offers a number of programs including on-scene response, the victim quick response program, the homicide survivor support group, the suicide bereavement support group, telephone crisis response and more.

Chief for a Day Essay Contest

Each year, York Regional Police hosts an essay contest, inviting Grade 5 students in York Region to submit an essay. 

A contest winner is selected, and is invited to become York Regional Police Chief for a Day and deliver a speech about their experience at Police Appreciation Night.

For full contest details, click here.

Watch the video below to hear from last year’s Chief for a Day winner, Amanah Datoo.