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Personal Safety

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An officer arresting a male who is trying to steal a woman's purse

Take steps to keep yourself safe

York Regional Police wants to help citizens reduce their risk of becoming a victim of crime or circumstance though education and awareness.

Everybody should consider taking preventative measures to keep themselves safe while doing every day things. Here are some great personal safety tips:

While walking or jogging outside

Walking and jogging are great ways to stay in shape and enjoy the outdoors, but make sure to take some safety precautions before heading out.

  • Always be aware of your surroundings
  • Go with a friend when possible
  • Travel in well-lit and populated areas, especially at night
  • Carry a cellphone
  • Don't assume vehicles can see you
  • Tell friends or family your intended route and how long you think you'll be gone
  • Always carry identification
  • Don't wear headphones or any device that could compromise your hearing
  • At night or in bad weather, wear a reflective item or reflective clothing
  • Don't take shortcuts through parks or alleys, especially at night
  • Trust your intuition - if something doesn't feel right, it likely isn't
  • Call police immediately if you see anyone or anything suspicious

In bad weather

Don't wait for an extreme weather event to happen; always have a plan in case of an emergency situation. Bad weather can happen in an instant, so knowing you are prepared can save you undue stress and safeguard your family.

During a heat wave

  • Drink plenty of water and other non-alcoholic beverages to stay hydrated
  • Avoid strenuous activities. If you must, reschedule for early morning or late evening
  • Dress accordingly. Light-colours and lightweight fabrics will help keep you cooler
  • Spend time in air conditioned places. Visit a library or a shopping mall to get some relief from the heat
  • Check on elderly neighbours to ensure they are okay
  • Stay out of the sun

In a thunderstorm

  • Avoid outdoor activities if storms are imminent
  • Stay away from tall trees, poles or towers
  • Seek shelter in a sturdy building or in a vehicle. Don't touch any metal surfaces or use electrical appliances
  • Steer clear of windows in case they break

In winter weather

  • Avoid overexertion. Shovelling snow, pushing vehicles and walking in deep snow can put a strain on your heart
  • Have an emergency survival kit in your home and in your vehicle. Extra food and water, heating sources, batteries, a cellphone and flashlights are just a few things you might need to help you and your family wait out a storm
  • Dress for the weather. Hypothermia and frostbite can occur in minutes in subzero temperatures
  • Check weather reports so you can prepare ahead of time

In a flash flood

  • During a flash flood, you're in the most danger if you're in a vehicle. Do not drive in flooded areas
  • Don't use electrical tools in wet areas
  • It can take as little as six inches of fast-moving water to sweep someone off their feet
  • Stay indoors if possible and avoid flooded areas
  • If you are outside, move to higher ground as quickly as possible

During a hurricane or tornado

  • Seek shelter immediately. Go to the lowest level available and sit under a heavy desk or table or next to a wall. Cover your head
  • If you don't have a basement, move to an interior room or hallway of your home. Stay away from windows
  • Exit your vehicle and head for the nearest building. Cars are easily picked up by tornados
  • Be aware of flying debris. Windows can easily shatter or you could be hit by a flying object
  • Do not seek shelter under a highway overpass. They create wind tunnels