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Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check

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A woman in a police uniform smiles behind a counter

Police Record Check Unit services by appointment only

In order to minimize wait times at the Police Record Check Unit, record check applicants are encouraged to apply online.  To learn more about online police record checks and electronic delivery, see our Online Police Record Checks page.

If you are unable to apply online or require fingerprinting services, please contact the Police Record Check Unit at 1-866-823-3334 ext. 7655 to schedule an appointment.

What is a Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check?

A Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check is intended for applicants seeking employment or volunteer positions with agencies or companies that require a criminal records check, along with a search of outstanding entries and charges. You can proceed with a Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check if the agency has determined that a search of pardoned sex offenders is not required. This check is not intended for individuals seeking employment or a volunteer position working with children or vulnerable persons.

Download the Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check formPlease complete prior to attending our Police Record Check Unit location.

What will a Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check provide?

A Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check will provide the following information:

  • Criminal convictions from CPIC and/or local databases
  • Summary convictions for five years 
  • Outstanding entries, such as charges and warrants, judicial orders, peace bonds, probation and prohibition orders
  • Absolute and conditional discharges and
  • Convictions where a record suspension has been granted, if authorized under the Criminal Records Act or another act or regulation

What does it cost?

Applicant type Fee
In-person applicant $90
Online applicant $73
Student applicant $34
Volunteer applicant N/A

Who can apply?

Anyone can apply, regardless of where they currently reside. If an applicant has a criminal record with another police service, they must be fingerprinted in order to verify the information.


Volunteer applications for a Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check can be completed in person only.

A volunteer is someone who performs a service but receives no compensation for doing so, other than an allowance for expenses or an honorarium. This excludes anyone receiving some other form of credit, such as academic credit or fulfilling a sentence requirement.

All applicants applying for a volunteer position must provide a letter from the agency where they intend to volunteer, indicating that the position is a volunteer, non-paid position. The volunteer letter must also:

  • Be produced on the agency's official letterhead
  • Include the name and address of the agency that requires the police record check
  • Include the applicant's name
  • State the reason for the police record check