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A mask

York Regional Police presents...UNITED

Ending Youth/Gang Violence and Crime

UNITED is a public safety campaign funded by a grant from the Provincial Anti-Violence Intervention Strategy (PAVIS). The comic book and superhero character, while fantasy, shines a light on the cooperation and collaboration needed between our community and the police. It is only by working together - UNITED in the shared goal of building safer communities - that we can prevent and solve crime.

Launched in November 2014, the UNITED short film served as a public service announcement and premiered in conjunction with the York Regional Police Youth Film Festival. Students across the region produced and shared A drawing of a superherotheir own films focused on anti-violence and police and community cooperation.

This unique and innovative program has been made possible by community volunteers and the skills and talents of York Regional Police members, who bring their past skills in film, art and design to their passion for crime prevention and youth engagement. While the approach is different than our traditional crime prevention messaging, our goal is the same: To break down barriers between police and the community. Together we can make a difference.

UNITED: A Backstage Pass