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Party Safety

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Black silohette of people in a circle with hands in the air

For the most part, all your parties up until now were likely birthday parties with most of the kids in your class. You are probably going to go to your first real party, with less adult supervision once you hit your teen years. While we don't want to rain on your party parade, we do want to stress some important safety tips to make sure you're safe and have fun.

  • Don't attend parties alone. Always go with someone you trust
  • Don't drink or do drugs. You'll have lots of time to drink when you're of legal age and drugs are never legal
  • Leave a party if it gets out of control or you feel uncomfortable. Trust your gut
  • Make sure someone else knows where you are going and when you should be back
  • Stay with friends and don't leave the party with someone you just met or barely know
  • If you do decide to drink, never drive
  • If you get into trouble, call someone for help. They might be mad at first but they'll be glad you're safe